So, I just wanted to let you know what I will be bringing with me to the big San Diego Comicon International.
Everyone wants to know about commissioned sketches. Will I be doing them and what will they cost? Since I finally have a booth space, I can not only spend time signing and chatting, but drawing and painting as well. I want to make sure that your convention purchase is special and unique. If you are interested in original commissioned sketches,you have three choices.
. All are on 8 x 11 paper which I will provide, based on the kind of sketch you would like. (like a watercolor or something.) Unless you have a sketchbook and would prefer it in there. But, I will do my best to dissuade you from a painting in a regular sketchbook, because it will be all wiggly...)
A black and white pen and ink sketch (Like one of these Deliriums.)

I have to dig up a finished pencil sketch to post, but, it is all shaded and soft with the tone and stuff...(it's been a long time since anyone asked me to do a pencil one. But, I did some nice ones in Europe! Does anyone have a scan of some of those?)
A black and white painted sketch is 250.00. Like the one you see in that photo from the FX show in Orlando.
I will be doing a limited number of full color painted commissions. Maybe I'll be able to get through one a day with all the other signing and stuff. The price for full color is $500.00
If you contact me before hand about this, you're definitely on the color list. I already have one full color commission. See the prints below for an example of the color commission.
I will also have copies of Magic Trixie #1 for sale.

And, two limited edition prints from Magic Trixie.

There will be some random Tattoo flash created for those of you who wish to adorn your body. I've created these with arms and legs and such in mind. Perhaps you might find something to incorporate into your sleeve or something.
I will have the entire Fables OGN King Cole Art at the con, either at my table or at AlexRossArt and the 5 page House of Mystery story that just appeared in House of Mystery.
I have no Sandman Art left. But, over 30 black and white painted Sandman illustrations will be on sale in October at a Gallery Show in Los Angeles. These pieces were used by Neil Gaiman to pitch a series of Sandman films to Warner Brothers a few years ago. It was really cool because I got to revisit characters I love so much and draw the whole Sandman series! These are some examples.

Hi Jill. I love the limited edition print of Magic Trixie. Since I will not be attending San Diego Comicon, is there anyway that I can still purchase this print perhaps via snail mail? I would have e-mailed you about this matter, but I couldn't find any contact information on your blog.
By the way, I spoke with you at Wizard World Chicago about Funky Orange's felted witch hat. I think that you could knit it. For yarn though, I would use Cascade 220 Wool or Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted since both are available in vibrant green and puprle colors. Although I'm not sure if it will work since I do not have the pattern, I also thought that maybe you could use put a pipe cleaner in it so that you could further pose the hat's point. I had a friend that knitted a chameleon, and she put a pipe cleaner in his tail.
I will set aside one of the Magic Trixie Prints for you. They will be 25.00 plus shipping.(can't clculate that as I do not know where you might be, but will figure it out later..)
Thank you Jill! I am in Buffalo Grove, IL. I can mail you payment right away. However, I first need to know where to send the payment and what form you prefer (personal check? money order?). I could post my e-mail address here, but I'm not sure that is the best idea. Please advise me as to how you would like to handle this. I'll continue to check this post when I get home from work in the evening. Tina
I still owe you a high resolution scan of that piece from FX. Hopefully you will be able to include it in your sketch book for comic con '09.
I'm loving the Magic Trixie prints, and I will be picking up both (assuming you still have them by the time I get to you!).
See you soon!
Oh! I'm so excited that you'll be at San Diego (it's my first SDCC)! I'm also excited to see the tattoo flash that you mentioned. Has the flash been made up already? I'm a fan of the Little Endless & Sandman, so I was wondering if the flash includes either of those themes :)
My boyfriend came to me yesterday, "Elisa, I saw some artist work's, her name is Jim Thompson, and I found out that your work is similar to her's...". Then I came to your website. I've allready seen some of your work, I like it very much... specially the colours!
I'm not much into japanese drawing style - "manga" - and in some works you seem to do this kind of draw, but that's a matter of taste, I still love your work!
I'm studying art, and I also want to work on illustration.
Ah... I'm brazilian! Sorry for my english... :P
It's nice to have the oportunity of talking to someone like you!
Love your blog!
For flash, I have some bats, a pumpkin vine and a ring of jack o'lanterns so far ( I suppose they would work best around the arms or wrists or ankles... And I have a mermaid. I was planning on working up a few Endless flash, but I haven't had time to get to those. I'll do some l'il guys so you have something you might like.
I think I'll also have Tansy's Skull and roses (Magic Trixie's cousin) and eventually a dragon. There is so much to finish by next week.
Hi Jill.
I still would like to purchase the limited edition print of Magic Trixie via snail mail. Since someone else posted their e-mail address, I'll go ahead and post mine. Please contact me, so we can exchange payment and shipping info. Thank you.
Can't wait for Magic Trixie. See you next week.
Hi Jill,
I'd like to get on the list for a black and white painted sketch. Hopefully I can PayPal (less cash to have to carry). My email address is sipper at earthlink dot net (without spaces, and with "at" and "dot" replaced with you know what). See you at Comic-Con!
Hi Jill, I interviewed you in London 15 years ago (time flies!).
Is there any chance to buy any Invisibles art? I am especially interested in the vol 3 pages (at the sushi restaurant).
I think we talked about this some ten years ago (ha!), but it never came to a buy for some reason.
Have you still got them? Would you like to sell them (some)?
If you would like to sell some Invisibles art, please contact me at anderssverker64@hotmail :) I mean! :)
Hi Jill,
I love your work!! I have been a fan for years. I couldn't make it to the Con but I was wondering if it would be possible to purchase a pencil sketch or a black and white painting . This is actually going to be a present for someone who is just as much of a fan as myself. Please contact me at Thanks, this would really mean a lot!!
I'm way out of the loop. I just discovered your blog!
Seeing your work so much in color these days it's really nice to see this gray wash work on the Sandman movie pitch.
I really like it!
thanks for sharing those gorgeous Sandman illos ;)
I looove yr Art!
a big ciao from Sardinia, Italy
(hope I can meet you sooner or later)
smoky man
Hi Jill (I can call yuo Jill?)
sorry for my English
this picturs are amazing, i'd like Sandman or rtather i love Sandman and Brife Life is once of the better book of the series
Very compliment for your work and I hope that the Sandman's movie arrivesooner or later
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