Monday, December 3, 2007

Magic Trixie pencils and layouts

I've had many requests to show what a page of pencil drawings for my painted comics looks like before I start putting paint to board. I usually forget to record those steps because I'm jamming toward a deadline. Also, I don't feel the need to record each step like I used to when I was simply pencilling comics that someone else was going to ink. I'm controlling the final outcome of the page and that's what I want the reader to see. But it is nice to keep a record of the process.
So, I stopped myself and scanned this one before moving ahead. Because most of the art comes from the color, you'll seee that just the bare bones are visible. This is what I work from...

Layouts look like this. not much different. Mostly I just tighten the line up and clean up the stray pencil markings.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think whether it's make sense to ink the drawings before or after the watercolors. I suppose though that the watercolor could be done on a separate layer, depending on whether the paper can accept/absorb it

Miko said...

Oh I see,that's very helpful. I can tell that these skeletons are very pragmatic in relation to the painting step.

I've always known in theory the importance of definition in drawing whether it be as just a drawing, but more importantly when it's the basis of something in a next step. I understand that theory more, however, with your examples. Fun!

I need to learn shorthand.... =/

Unknown said...

i love to draw..but what is the best color that i will use to make my drawing look real?..hehehe i'm not good at color combination...

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