If you're looking for me at the big ComicCon this week in San Diego- or- if you have generously volunteered some of your time to Booth sit for me while I'm on a panel or doing a signing at a Publishers booth... Here is my current run down. Or, if you have access to one of those palanquins and some strong fellows and want to whisk me thru the con like a fancy princess...

You can find me at my booth #1322. I'll be sitting with Cliff Chiang, Brian Wood, Becky Cloonan, Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba! Yes, we have a super awesome table and I'm proud to be sharing with such a talented bunch of creators.
Here's my current schedule-
WEDNESDAY- Preview Nite Booth #1322 sketching, signing, chatting etc.
THURSDAY Booth #1322 til 11:30. Then I rush off to
CBLDF MASTER SESSION room 30CDE where I shall paint and explain how I use watercolor to create my comics. Also painting, the amazing Charles Vess. Two watercolorists, two approaches, two different styles, but- same format-Comics!
FRIDAY 10 am booth #1322, but- I have a meeting there, so I won't be signing and sketching straight away. Thanks for waiting
12 noon-1 Dark Horse Booth #2615 signing and talking about Beasts of Burden.

Come see a preview of the art for the series!
EISNER AWARD CEREMONYI'll be there for most of it, as I am nominated for an award (I hope I hope I hope I win!)
But- I'll be dashing across town to the
AMANDA PALMER/CBLDF benefit where I shall be drawing quick sketches of Amanda as she performs. It will feel all kind of Toulouse Latrec-ish, I think. The "drawing a beautiful performer and wild, bohemian, entertainmenty" part. Not the "artist drinks heavily to deal with the crowd's ridicule and falls into alcoholism and has to be committed to a sanitorium" part...Also all the art goes to the cause. I'll take pix and tweet the art for all to see.
Hopefully I won't be too late. and I also hope I'll have an award under my arm and a bottle of champagne in my hand to celebrate a win. I'll be the one in the gold silky gown (at least that's my plan) rushing in the door during the middle of things.
SATURDAYall day at booth #1322 until
DC Booth signing from 4-5 pm
dinner with the Fables Crew
SATURDAY NITE much laughing, shop talking, revelry. Please come join me if you see me! Who knows what we'll all be up to.
SUNDAY also DC Booth SIgning from 10:30-11:30 am
When I'm at other booths, I won't be able to take commissioned drawing because I'm only there an hour. All I can accommodate are signatures. So please save all sketch requests for booth 1322.
What will I have available for sale at booth #1322?
Embroidered Patches- Bug-A-Boo, the Boozle, Scary Godmother are $10 each, Scratches and the bats are $5 each. $45.00 US for the whole set.
Magic Trixie Books-cover price
Sandman Painted art-prices vary
black and white line art sketches $100.00 with tone $200.00
Signatures are free. But, please, take all comics and books and prints and whatnot out of their protective packaging before you get up to the head of the line. Then I can sign them quickly and efficiently for you and no tape gets stuck to your comic.
Each day I will take a new list for sketches so new con attendees will have a chance to get on the list. Check with me in the morning to get on the list, and later in the afternoon to see if a spot opened up. Or if someone never came back for their sketch. You'd be suprised how many times I go home with an unclaimed drawing of Death or something.
If I am drawing and my head is down PLEASE do not think I am ignoring you! I'm just drawing! It's the only way I know how to do it- with the looking at the paper and all that... Just start to talk to me- introduce yourself. My witchy face has a tendency to look all serious and stern when I'm looking down and concentrating on my paper. That's just what my perspective does to us oval faces. I am quite approachable. But you have to approach me! Ok? Cool!
Rules and Regs- just for the sake of everyone's books and sketches, PLEASE do not lean on or bump into the table! And, if there is art on the table for viewing- please do not put your books or boxes on them, or your iced coffees.
If I am away from my table, my wonderful Booth Elves will be fielding questions, taking commission requests and selling books. Please feel free to interact with them.
You can follow me on Twitter as I'll be digitally thinking for all to see (perhaps not IN THE EXHIBIT HALL where there is no WI FI-? WTF? that's where we want to tweet from! let's see if AT&T's 3G works in that convention center-don't let me down again AT&T...)Love the li'l Jesus phone so far...

Yeesh- not sure if I've forgotten anything, but I suppose, we'll find out in three days! THREE DAYS!!!It should be crazy, too crowded but quite a blast!